Moro Partners

Your Trusted Behavioral Health Business Advisors

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About Us

Moro Partners is a team of business advisors and consultants that focus exclusively on behavioral health companies. We have vast experience and expertise, know the market and its players well, and are committed to solving your problems and making things simple/seamless for you. Each year, we close numerous deals and successfully find solutions for many companies. We command deep industry knowledge within the ID/DD, autism therapy, SUD treatment, eating disorder treatment, MAT markets, and quite a few other ancillary/complementary fields such as laboratories and technologies.

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About Us

As a boutique merger and acquisition advisory firm, Moro Partners was established to help behavioral health businesses identify new opportunities and navigate their way through the complexities of merger and acquisition transactions. The partners close about 30 deals per year with sales prices in the range of $2M – $200M, the team at Moro Partners brings the history, knowledge, and industry-relevant experience for those looking to buy or sell a behavioral health company. Our expertise allows us to understand the intricacies of the market and is helpful in strategizing for growth and adding value for our clients.

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A focused group of industry experts that specialize in behavioral health in all facets. We spend all of our time and our past careers and history in the field and know the market extensively, as well as its players, current trends, and future opportunities and obstacles. We provide the wisest advice we can in our clients’ interest, and come alongside them to make people and companies in the behavioral health space’s lives as simple.

group learning about Stoneridge Behavioral Health


Moro Partners works with owners and decision-makers of behavioral health companies as they plan the imperative next steps in their business. These next steps might include growth plans, exit and succession planning, divestiture, or solving a specific problem or taking advantage of future opportunities. We come alongside clients to guide next steps in an organized, proven, step-by-step process to solve problems and achieve desired objectives and results.

Stoneridge Behavioral Health partners looking over a contract


We employ a unique and proprietary approach to our process that involves getting to know clients and their goals personally. This allows us to advise them in the wisest possible manner consistent with their principles and desires. We know the market and its players extremely well and are in touch with the community, industry changes and updates, regulations, market climate, and future forecasts so that we can plan ahead prudently and appropriately. We have a few key differentiators that aren’t common in our industry. Contact Moro Partners for an opportunity to see how our process works, risk-free.

woman looking at buyers through Stoneridge Behavioral Health


We are here to help owners, operators, investors, entrepreneurs, and decision-makers of behavioral health companies. Those could be businesses within the space that specialize in intellectual or developmental disabilities, autism therapy, substance use disorder treatment, mental health, medication-assisted treatment, eating disorder/gambling/sex/internet/screen treatment, OCD/ADHD treatment, etc. We’ve found in the past that we work best with the individuals at these companies that are realistic and objective, of quality character and integrity, and value advice from others. The companies best suited for our services are those that have a bit of a history, have either plateaued and are seeking more growth, or are planning their next steps or succession plan and have a good reputation and quality. They may just need some advice in solving a specific problem.


Consolidation in every industry is inevitable. It will happen. We’d like to facilitate it in the most ethical and efficient way possible. We also believe that as the behavioral health industry consolidates over time, it provides for easier and greater access to services for patients at a more affordable cost with more predictable outcomes. The mission of the behavioral health industry is to help less fortunate people and break incorrect stigma. We strive to streamline this process and minimize the stress for sellers, risk for buyers, and inconvenience for patients.


A focused group of industry experts that specializes in behavioral health in all facets. We spend all of our time and our past careers and history in the field and know the market extensively, as well as its players, current trends, and future opportunities and obstacles. We provide the wisest advice we can in our clients’ interest and come alongside them to make people and companies in the behavioral health space’s lives as simple.

group learning about Stoneridge Behavioral Health


The Behavioral Health Team at Moro Partners works with owners and decision-makers of behavioral health companies as they plan the next steps in their business. These next steps might include growth plans, exit and succession planning, divestiture, or solving a specific problem or taking advantage of future opportunities. We come alongside clients to guide the next steps in an organized, proven, step-by-step process to solve problems and achieve desired objectives and results.

Stoneridge Behavioral Health partners looking over a contract


We employ a unique and proprietary approach to our process that involves getting to know clients and their goals personally. This allows us to advise them in the wisest possible manner consistent with their principles and desires. We know the market and its players extremely well and are in touch with the community, industry changes and updates, regulations, market climate, and future forecasts so that we can plan ahead prudently and appropriately. We have a few key differentiators that aren’t common in our industry. Contact us for an opportunity to see how our process works, risk-free.

woman looking at buyers through Stoneridge Behavioral Health


We are here to help owners, operators, investors, entrepreneurs and decision-makers of behavioral health companies. Those could be businesses within the space that specialize in intellectual or developmental disabilities, autism therapy, substance use disorder treatment, mental health, medication-assisted treatment, eating disorder/gambling/sex/internet/screen/OCD/ADHD treatment, etc. We’ve found in the past that we work best with the individuals at these companies that are realistic and objective, of quality character and integrity, and value advice from others. The companies best suited for our services are those that have a bit of a history, have either plateaued and are seeking more growth, or are planning their next steps or succession plan and have a good reputation and quality. They may just need some advice in solving a specific problem.


Consolidation in every industry is inevitable. It will happen. We’d like to facilitate it in the most ethical and efficient way possible. We also believe that as the behavioral health industry consolidates over time, it provides for easier and greater access to services for patients at a more affordable cost with more predictable outcomes. The mission of the behavioral health industry is to help less fortunate people and break incorrect stigma. We strive to streamline this process and minimize the stress for sellers, risk for buyers, and inconvenience for patients.

Stoneridge Behavioral Health seller icon 300x300

For Sellers

We help you understand why you’re selling and what your ideal scenario is. Whether it’s no longer wanting the stresses of operations and administration of a business, a succession plan, retirement, or bringing in a partner for more growth, we can help you make plans early. Moro Partners creates a detailed plan, making the process easier, smoother, and more profitable.

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Stoneridge Behavioral Health buyer icon 300x300

For Buyers

Moro Partners behavioral health advisors will help determine and locate the best target for you. Whether you are looking to purchase in order to expand, add services, add levels of care, add geography, add contracts, add a brand name, add modalities, or beat the competition and gain market share, we can help. We look to take advantage of your synergies to minimize your costs, maximize your revenue potential, and offer the most efficient and streamlined process possible. Helping you figure out exactly the best opportunities available is our goal.

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Stoneridge Behavioral Health seller icon 300x300

For Sellers

We help you understand why you’re selling and what your ideal scenario is. Whether it’s no longer wanting the stresses of operations and administration of a business, a succession plan, retirement, or bringing in a partner for more growth, we can help you make plans early. Moro Partners creates a detailed plan making the process easier, smoother, and more profitable.

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Stoneridge Behavioral Health buyer icon 300x300

For Buyers

Moro Partners will help determine and locate the best target for you. Whether you are looking to purchase in order to expand, add services, add levels of care, add geography, add contracts, add a brand name, add modalities, or beat the competition and gain market share, we can help. We look to take advantage of your synergies to minimize your costs, maximize your revenue potential, and offer the most efficient and streamlined process possible. Helping you figure out exactly the best opportunities available is our goal.

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Find out how much your behavioral health company is worth

Discover What We

Can Do for You

Save Time & Stress

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